Monday, May 18, 2009

It's settled.

Without a multiplicity of Kims, Kim's World cannot thrive. We never should have fought the natural laws of KW. Bear witness to our folly and take heed!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Good morning. As of 10:02 a.m. today (and not a second sooner, dammit), I decree that all former Kims will now be returned to their actual identities. So be it (amen).

Did you know...

...about this Jane Austen site? Full text of her novels and juvenalia, with useful links to other sites [!] that feature her letters* as well as academic essays on her work.

So when you need a little Mr. Woodhouse in your day, but your books are miles away...


"I do not want people to be very agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them a great deal."
-- letter of December 24, 1798

"Next week [I] shall begin my operations on my hat, on which you know my principal hopes of happiness depend."
-- letter of October 27 1798
"You express so little anxiety about my being murdered under Ash Park Copse by Mrs. Hulbert's servant, that I have a great mind not to tell you whether I was or not"
-- letter of January 8 1799
"We have been exceedingly busy ever since you went away. In the first place we have had to rejoice two or three times every day at your having such very delightful weather for the whole of your journey..."
-- letter of October 25 1800


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Or just bite it, a little

Does anyone else feel an urge to consume ludicrously cute things? I don't mean to conjure the image of physically eating, I mean, inhale them, somehow...

hands? hands?

Typically ludicrously cute things are small, so perhaps it is some vestige of the infantile habit of stuffing anything appealing and within reach into one's mouth?

Or perhaps they trigger some fantastical logic that reasons: you are what you eat, so you'd better eat something cute STAT.
