Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Or just bite it, a little

Does anyone else feel an urge to consume ludicrously cute things? I don't mean to conjure the image of physically eating, I mean, inhale them, somehow...

hands? hands?

Typically ludicrously cute things are small, so perhaps it is some vestige of the infantile habit of stuffing anything appealing and within reach into one's mouth?

Or perhaps they trigger some fantastical logic that reasons: you are what you eat, so you'd better eat something cute STAT.



  1. I've definitely heard the sentiment expressed frequently enough.

    Can't say I understand it at all, though.

    (Even though I said it above, originally... )

  2. I am thinking now that it is a broad reaction with no fine motor skills involved - something like: IT'S CUTE...GET IT!

    And the desire to consume is an approximation of this reaction, the reaction being really more like a desire to envelop.

  3. I still don't get it.

    That's weird.

  4. Yeah - I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you on this one. I've never wanted to shove a kitten in my mouth. Now, if we're talking about babies, that's a different story. Brian, you might want to have someone look into this, ummm... fascination of yours.
